Slunnie's Ute2

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Slunnie's Ute2

Post by slunnie » Tue Mar 07, 2017 10:36 am

Like I didn't already have enough problems already with a Disco2, Hybrid IIa already being built, a Rangie for the gas system and now a Series II ute!

Well I have to be honest, the new ute was originally purchased on Ebay, not expecting much but I thought that it would be a good base to continue building the IIa hybrid onto. It had rego and was cheap, which was enough for me.

Didn't I get a pleasant surprise when I picked the ol gorl up. It seems the previous owner had done a ground up restoration on it. The chassis looks like its brand new, as do a lot of the things attached to it, such as the suspension. The tray is in great condition and the motor runs like a charm and has apparently been reconditioned. Heck, there isn't even any oil leaks under it (well, ok there is one.) It seems that there are only 2 real problems with it, being rusty door uppers, which I have newbies for, and a leaking axle seal which I have a seal for. I guess it could also do with a new coat of paint. The motor is a 2.25l petrol engine and the gearbox seems to have no synchro on 1st and 2nd. Fortunately the gearbox is light and the gears clunk in and out fairly easily but slowly. The pain of double shuffling doesn't seem to be needed.

Well, bought to be rebuilt as part of the evolution of the old IIa hybrid, I've now decided that the efforts of the previous owner are too great to tear it apart and terrorise it, so old Ute2 is about to have rego put back onto it for another 12 months, get cleaned up and left like a stocker.

The arrival:

The newbie basking in the sun.

The mug shot:

All flexed up! Laughing

More pics at: ... ?album=112


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